it's the day after christmas~~lunchtime...i'm hungry
"christmas is over"

so another christmas has passed. yay. no...i'm not a sadistic little bitch...i'm just in a blah mood today. it was actually a wonderful christmas for me and my family...a really great time. we didn't fight at all...which is certainly unusual for my small family of three. really unusual. no complaints here!!

saturday night...the day before christmas eve...was interesting. i went to work at off that 5:30am and had a blast. really...we had to revamp the store...and it really was fun! except for the fact that i found out some stuff that i just really didn't want to know. like...a certain manager i was interested in has a girlfriend...yeah. that kind of put a halt on the evening. i was PISSED. you can imagine. i mean hit on me, you give me your number, you act super-interested, then this? riiiiiight. it only gets better...i saw him later that night...and nope, he didn't talk to me. it was the whole awkward silence thing...doesn't that suck? yeah it does. so i, being the wise one here, left a voicemail on cakeboy's phone at 5am mentioning how i wanted to work things i hated awkward silences...and how a misunderstanding between us could be fixed. and i left it at that, only to be completely surprised by a call i got christmas eve.

went to work at 4 that off at 6...i knew that he was working that night...and my manager was being a brat...threatening to make me go over there to work. grrrr...not a happy abby. so i got off work, went home, did the dinner and presents thing, and was watching a movie, when my cell phone rang. odd...anyone who knows that number knows i'm at home and that my pager is not long-distance. oh well...i answered it...and it was cakeboy. wow. i was shocked. completely. to make a long story short, he does have a girlfriend, he does want me, but he can't have me!!! it's totally bass-ackwards to me...but i think i like it. i really do. i have some sort of control...and it's cool!! i can't wait to see him's going to be one of those, yeah, i know i look good, yeah, you can't have me, hahahaha one of things...YAY!!! hehehe...i'm so evil. yeah...i like it.

so yeah...i'm gonna go...i have to take a shower and get started on my great, relaxing day...yeah.

love you all..



"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo