10-17-00~~9:45 am
"i can do it...i WILL do it!!"

now what the fuck is abby doing up at 9:45 when she's not at class, doesn't have class until 1:00, and had an 8:00 class? i have no idea...all i know is that i'm pretty awake, compared to my normal actions right now...i'm usually dead asleep by now...i come back from psych and crawl up into my bed and CRASH.

woohoo!! i talked to aaron last night...that makes me happy. i talked to natalie yesterday...that makes me even happier. there's just one missing...kris. i wish i could talk to her...oh well. life has a funny way of working things out...this isn't an exception.

so i got some great advice from a friend yesterday...he told me to just forget about trying to be so happy...and just concentrate on my classes so that, if the opportunity presents itself, and i want to, i'll have the chance to transfer back home. so that's what i'm going to do. don't get me wrong, i'll still go out. but my focus HAS to become my classes...that's what i'm here for and i'm tried of doing bad. i'm sick of it. i've never done this bad...never. it's just not me. all my life, especially this past year, i've been praised for being so smart...i'm NOT going to let that reputation pass me up. i can do it...all i have to do is bust my butt to get there...and i'll do it. b/c no matter what, i'll have the grades to do what i want...whether it's to stay here or to transfer to TCU or something. who knows...all i know is that if i DO transfer, i'll have to decide SOON, and that it will be in texas...like, TCU or something. i want something a little closer to home than INDIANA.

i'm gonna go study for psych...maybe read a little bit of the Aeneid...anything to keep me awake...because that's NOT what i need..more sleep. ha!



"You know you've been in college too long when you'd rather clean than study."

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo