2001-07-24~~playing catch-up
"this is an out-of-mind experience!"

Hi! i am Abby for a day and boy is it nice . . . i am the cutest girl in the world! And the coolest music-and-movie-whore that ever lived, too! i have a new job directly servicing the teeming masses of customers, i am relocating to Denton with a female roommate but not quite yet since her present roommate is not out as of now, and i love my man soooo much i could laugh and cry all at once . . . he is the best that ever lived and i marvel at just how lucky i am on a daily basis.

Now, on to the whiney moment that explains why i am not quite myself today . . .

my computer is possessed by demons!

it started with some small things . . . the printer wouldn't print . . . the burner quit . . . it has two modems and an Ethernet with FOUR jacks but can't detect a modem or phone line in any combination . . . then, suddenly, the monitor went blank. The little yellow light was blinking, blinking, blinking . . . taunting me . . . i checked all the connections and they were all connected. i turned it off. i turned it on. i rechecked the connections. i yelled at it. i growled and thought bad thoughts to it. Still no picture. i rebooted the computer. Nothing. i grabbed the computer and stalked out to the balcony to throw it over when my Dad called to see how i was doing and saved the vile electric whore of a computer by diffusing my rage and i left the apartment.

i went to my parental abode to check the mail and say hi to my love and then i was off for dinner and movies with the Supreme Goddess of the Known Universes (yeah, a shameless plug, but . . . *grin* . . . i'm shameless!) we watched The Family Man and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and plan to see Lost Souls tonight. It was like some sort of all-foreplay-no-climax movie theme going on as they were both really great but leave you hanging wondering how it ends. GRRRRRRRR!

i got a great surprise yesterday! An old friend from work called to tell me she got engaged, but it's a secret as to who and so i can just share the joy of a happy anonymous friend and her impending bliss, but that's good, too, right?

i did want to throw some love out there for a few wonderful ladies . . .
Jodi hey, luv, how are you doing? throw me an e-mail or call and give yourself a hug!
Ellen you are a star and i love you! You get hugs, too, and since i haven't read entries in a while, call me.
Rissa it was great to see you this weekend and i miss you already . . . love and 99 Red Balloons to you, sunshine!

Other than that, i want to say that the sound of your voice makes me smile as my insides tremble and i miss your smile, baby . . .

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo