today is friday the 16th~~it's about 10:30
"i am who i am and i'm damn proud"

so, now my illustrious college career is down to 9 hours for my spring semester. niiice, huh? yeah, i thought to. i have a grand total of three classes, math, psych and world cultures. not bad, if i must say. yeah, the school threw a hissy-fit about me going below 12 hours...but honestly, it's the best thing for me. i really don't need organic's a class that's not going to count for ANYTHING and it'll just hurt my GPA. i already have my gen ed science classes, so i'm not really worried about it. and the weather? yeah, it's horrible everywhere. it's all nasty and rainy has been all week. it's disgustingly depressing. but i don't care...because i'm in a GREAT MOOD!!! yeah, it's crazy how something so miniscule can change so much in your life. i mean yeah, changing my major IS a big thing...but it seems so little to have this much of an impact on my life. funny how that works.

oh wow. this is an amazing's by jewel, and it's a little old...but it's wonderful. it's little sister...from her first album. it's basically about a girl who doesn't realize what she's worth...just floating between bad guys and experiences to get the temporary happiness that she thinks she needs. scary-it reminds me of a person i used to know...i've grown so much. so much. i look back at who i was, who i used to be, that little part of me that i ran from...and here i am. confident, happy, proud, and not scared at all. i'm not scared of who i am, how i feel, what i do. i'm real, i'm here, and i'm ready to be me...finally. nobody's going to hold me back from what i want...and i just want to be happy. so look out world, here comes abby...loud and proud!!!



"The soul that is within me no man can degrade."

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo