the 30th~~oops
"i know, i'm pissy"


was that a bit harsh? well, sorry...but that's how i feel right about NOW. i'm just really pissy, it hasn't been all day, just the past couple hours, that's all. i apologize to all that have been offended...but deal with it!!

so, my list of things to do today:
*find someone to work for me tonight (nope)
*pick up my check (nope)
*do my laundry (nope)
*clean my room (nope)
*go bra shopping (yes!!)
out of the five important things i needed to do today...i did one. ONE! that's so freakin's sad. oh goes on, huh? i still have tomorrow and sunday and all next week, and yeah. there's no rush. oh yeah, i wanted to get my nails done as well (GASP!)...abby getting her nails done?? what?? is this some trans-siberian scary world here?? what the fuck is going on? has abby turned girly on us? well, no, not exactly, but i just feel like having nails...

that's when i knew, that i could never have you. i knew that before you did, still i'm the one who's stupid

so my parents are going to vegas again...surprised? i'm not...but it's not summer!! they're not allowed to go yet!! i can't have a spectacular party unless it's summer...but i think they know that. in fact, i'm pretty sure they know that. or, it could just be that they got free rooms for this weekend...yeah. that's it. isn't that just sad? they go to the mirage so often that they are VIP and they get free rooms and shit. and have i ever been? well of course not...of course not. that would just be too damn easy. really...

and this is the last time, we'll be friends again. i'll get over you, you won't know who i am

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo