september 7th~~noon

mmmkay, so, to go to class or not. that's the question. or do i check the syllabus and remind myself of the attendance policy so i can see if i can skip. or do i really care? yeah, pretty much not. i'm just tired and i want a nap and a shower before i have to work tonight. it's friday and it'll be a busy night for me...i need my rest. haha. riiiight. but i *do* need sleep to keep my head on straight tonight. and i'm not really that exciting right now. on my way home from class i was thinking about all this stuff i could write (i know, i'm a nerd), but none of it is left in my head right now, so it's naptime for abby. love to all!

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo