6-21~~5:50ish pm
"no dating...GRRRRR"

so it's that time again...i'm going to indiana to register for classes tomorrow and i'm not quite sure if i'm ready for this or not. i mean, i am ready to get out of this hellhole that i call home, not my actual home, but the town, and start completely over, but i'm not ready to leave everyone behind. i'm so so SO glad i have a little under two months left with everyone i know...

last night sucked hard. really really REALLY hard. the shortened version: aaron and i aren't dating anymore, i think he's already freakin dating someone else, that jerk, and i don't agree with it. so i'm going to be stubborn abby and not give up. that's right...i'm not going to give up this easily. so i'm planning on going over to his apt. when he gets off work and just talking to him. i think this is a good idea...i'm not quite sure yet or not. but everyone i've run it across agrees...

it's going to go something like this:

me: so i respect your decision and all, but to start, i DON'T want anything serious two months before i go start a completely new life. i don't. as much as i thought i did, i really REALLY don't. second, i know that it's been a quite a bitch to say that you're dating me the past couple weeks...but give me a chance. i don't want to date exclusively, b/t i do want to try other opportunities, but i don't want to NOT date you...and i want you to date other people too. i don't want you to feel like you're tied down. third, i'm leaving tomorrow morning and i'll be gone until sunday...that's 4 days without seeing me or even talking to me...i can only hope that that time will help clear your mind of any bad thoughts you have of the "situation" and will allow me another chance...what do you think? can i have another chance?

aaron: *i have NO idea what he'll say...he's SO unpredictable*

so...anyone out there...how do you think that will work? i hope it turns out okay...

to all...i won't be able to check my diary, much less update it until sunday night at the earliest...so unless i update when i get home from aaron's tonight...you'll be in suspense until i get back...wish for the best!!!

love to all and to all a GREAT weekend!!



"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."


younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo