today, saturday, the 17th~~5 pm
"home alone"'s SO been 3 days, right? well, these past three days have been the craziest in awhile...

my parents left for vegas thursday, leaving their 18 year old, horny as shit, drunk ass daughter at home alone, with her 18 year old best friend. good idea? i didn't think so. let's not even mention the place where i work, the people i work with, and the guy i'm dating......hehehe. it's been a wild weekend. and it's only saturday.

thursday night was my debut in the world of lead parties...i blew it. i completely blew it. i ended up drunk as shit by 10, passed out by the time everyone got was embarrassing as hell. oh well, i got shit from everyone, but i'll get over it...i think. self-humiliation is degrading, but as long as you can laugh at yourself, you'll be okay, right?!?

good part about thursday night? it was really good for me and aaron...then friday. i switched shifts with jason, natalie's boyfriend, and i closed op 2, which is the same area as skycoaster, which aaron was working at the harbor that day...woohoo!!! we talked all day and all was great!!!

so then onto friday night...the LONG friday night...we fought, i yelled, he yelled, i threw my phone, it was horrible. then he called me at 5 this morning to apologize. what a guy, huh? but i'm infatuated...completely. anyone who really knows me can tell that.

rain sucks. it really does. what the fuck is it doing raining in the middle of june? last year it rained, like, MAYBE twice. but noooo, it's rained EVERY weekend this summer. okay, well, i have to go find something to do tonight, before i go crazy. i only hope aaron calls me...he said he would, but i don't know..........

i love everyone!!!


there's 2 quotes today:

"Go ZACH!!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo