10-9-00~~10:30 ish
"fall break in texas"

hello to all my friends...i know it's been forever since i've updated, and you've all been begging for an update...but frankly, i can't imagine why all of you are so damn interested in my crazy life. oh well...here goes nothing.

so it's the last (sorta) day of fall break for me and i'm here at home (texas that is) sitting at my mom's computer, feeling like a complete guest in my own home. do you know how much it truly sucks to live out of a suitcase in your own house? it blows. but it's really good to be back home...i've missed this place like crazy. and i look back at my past entries over this summer and i see that i thought i wouldn't miss home...i was on crack. seriously. i love home, but i love school...i just have to figure out where i belong now.

it's been great to spend the time at home, with my parents and with my friends...i hope that shannon has had fun. i know it's been a little awkward for her, seeing as how she doesn't know any of my friends or anything, but she's the type of person that will get along with anyone. except for aaron that is...leave it to aaron to be the oddball...but he's great. i've spent a LOT of time with him this weekend...and it's been great. i can't even explain how great it's been...and nothing is like it was before i left. somehow we're tons closer now (damn i sound like jen) and it's unbelievably reassuring. i didn't think that he would be one that would still be here for me when i got home. no, not like that...i just didn't think we'd be as close as we are today. i thought that we wouldn't have anything to talk about, or that he'd be too busy for me. but he's not...i love talking to him, cuddling with him, just doing absolutely nothing with him...he's great! yes...this is the same aaron that i bitched about pretty much all summer...isn't life weird like that?

and my divas...i love my divas. both of them came in town this weekend...and i really only saw natalie. it's completely understandable...kris had to work and she lives in denton...it's not really convienient for her to spend an entire weekend here...her life is there. but it was great to see her friday night and saturday afternoon...i miss you kris!!!

and natalie...regrettably, we got in a rather large argument sunday morning and i only hope that it didn't completely fuck things up for us...i couldn't stand to lose her now, not when i need her so badly. but that just takes time.

hahaha...jillian got me a great care package...it would have been really awesome if she would have mailed it, but she didn't get the chance. it's GREAT!!! i can't explain it here...but just trust me...it's unique. it was great to see her and my baby dylan...he's gotten so big!!!

come to think of it...i miss UE right now. the freedom, the people, everything. i was really depressed before fall break...upset about everything, just generally not too happy. and kaytie told me it would be better after fall break. honestly, i didn't believe her...but now i do!! you're so smart kaytie-everyone loves you!!! if you only knew the impact that you've made upon my life in two short months...i love you girl!!!

ugh...i'm hungry and i have to go take a shower...

i love everyone...and to all my UE people...i'll see you tomorrow. to all my texas folk...who are greater than life itself...november will be here soon. just remember birthday presents for abby...i'll be home 2 days after my birthday!!! woohoo!!!



"Choose; don't be chosen."

Aaron's phrase of the day, 10-8

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo