9-29-00~~3:45 pm
"this is to my homies...HA!!"

so first things first...here's to jill. i love you girl!! and i'm sorry that you lost my number...i was wondering why i haven't heard from you in a long time!! i miss my jill!!! how's my baby dylan doing, huh? mmmkay...i'll email you my numbers if i can find your email addy...i've been rather absent minded lately with that kind of styff.

natalie, my dear, sweet natalie...i love you times ten sweetie. i know that things may seem to be dragging right now, but keep your chin up and the sun will shine! just keep pushing your hardest and everything will climb for you...you've always been a fighter, never give up!!

okay, so jerry has been talking about leaving the great UE for some other not as important school in indiana. what can i say to that? i would love for him to stay here, of course, but that decision is purely his, and i'll support him either way. but let me tell you, IU is MUCH farther than Hale Hall...i mean, really. besides, does IU have me?!? think about it... :)

kristine--my little red-headed ray of optimism. i need you babe...i need your sunshiney smile around me to brighten up my gloomy days, which, honestly, occur a lot more than i'd like them too. i hope that everything is going okay with you, and i just want you to know that one of my drives for succeeding here is the fact that i know you're at home waiting for me to overcome everything holding me back. how can i fail when you're so proud of me already?!? you RULE!!!

sorry that this entry has seemed like a letter to all my friends...well, not all my friends, but you get the point. i just had a few thoughts to get out...and this seemed like an ample spot to do that.

oh yeah...i saw a funny thing today on my way to lunch. 4 SAE guys...well, 3 SAE guys and their hot friend, trey, have this band, the five apples, and they're putting on a concert at the SAE house on saturday night. well, they have signs up everywhere advertising it. so the illustrious sig ep boys, never to be outdone, put up posters advertising their equally as important party on saturday night, writing "no bad apples" at the bottom of the posters. ingenius, huh? it was funny...i guess you just had to be there. speaking of five apples...me, jen, sarah and sara are all wearing our spiffy new five apples shirts today...and we took really cute pictures in them. hehehe...we're going to give them to the guys...we're the "five apple girls". yeah...whatever...as if half the campus wasn't wearing the shirts today.

today has been a pretty good day. all in all, i'd say that i'm getting over being sick (YAY!!), and i'm in a great mood. i'm just glad that today is friday...REALLY glad. this will be a relaxing weekend...all i have to do is study for a DAMN bio exam. damn bio. just dammit.

and jen will be in town this weekend...i hope that i dont' get irritated with her. i did today and it bugs me that i get irritated with her so easily. i wish i knew why.

i'm tired of writing and jerry's about to kick me out of the multimedia center...



"Life is too short not to have fun, eat tons and act like a 5 year old often..."

oh yeah...and jerry...I WILL NEVER TELL YOU WHERE I GET MY QUOTES!!!

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo