9-22-2000~~1:45 pm
"i quit!!"

at the urging of a great friend...i'm udating my diary. so here ya go...i'm in a great mood today. i was sick as a dog yesterday...so i slept all day and i'm feeling great!!! i just made the realization that i'm giving up on guys. natalie: you love me for this one...if a guy wants me, they know where to find me. i'm not going to chase anyone anymore. as long as i'm happy and having fun with all my friends, then i'm doing good. i've been placing too much happiness into finding someone to make me happy...now it's time for me. i'm a great person, and natalie...i'm starting to love who i am...isn't that great?!? but yeah...i'm happier because of self-realization. i know what i need, i know what i want to make me happy...and i have it all...me!!! so to everyone out there that i've been chasing...you know where i am if you wnat me...and you'll have to fight for me...because i have high expectations and i refuse to get hurt again!!!



"Thinking: The talking of the soul with itself."

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo