"this guy really made me MAD!!!"

la la la la la la la la la la la la

i am in a really good good GOOD mood. why you ask? well, first of all...i woke up rather early for me this morning...it was about 9...and i ran 2.5 miles. really! it was great. the weather today was awesome!!! it's kinda hot right now, but earlier this morning it was around 75...woohoo!! yeah! so just ran...then i took a shower. next came getting ready for work...where i ended up getting off 4 hours early!!! heehee. ooohhhhh...but i have a harsh story...this guy TOTALLY pissed me off!!! wanna know the story? here ya go!


so i was working in rapids today, and i was having a BLAST!!! until this one guy came down...i started to send him down the slide...out of my pool...and he yelled at me not to send him; he was waiting on his son. so i sent him back through the pool currents. well, i sent his son down without even knowing it...that made him MAD. when he got back to the front he demanded to go. the pool below me was full, so i couldn't send him, obviously. well, he yelled and pushed off the wall, via my arm to get back into the current. well, about 3-4 minutes later he gets back to the front of the pool and bitches b/c i had sent 3 other people besides him. DUH!!! if he's at the back of the pool i am NOT going to push everyone aside to get to him. so i told him he would have to go around ONE more time...it's not like his soon couldn't wait...he was like 10. well, the guy didn't like it too much, so he kicked the shit out of my arm. that made me angry...so i told him he didn't have to kick me and he could wait a couple more minutes. he came back about 2 minutes later and i was starting to send him when he said "thanks for nothing, i'm going down" and he kicked me HARD in the stomach. GRRRRR...it hurt like a bitch. i was JUST gettin bumped at the time, so i rode down and faced the ass one more time. our conversation went something like this:

ME: sir, i really don't appreciate you kicking me up there.

MAN: well, you had terrible service, you deserved it.

ME: sir, you didn't have to kick me.

MAN: where is your supervisor?

ME: right now, i AM your supervisor. (i'm an operations supervisor)

MAN: there HAS to be someone above you.

ME: yeah, there is, but if you want to talk to them, i can guarantee that they will most likely ask you to leave the park for kicking an employee...not to mention inform arlington police about it.

MAN: well, what is your name, so i can report this to the front. this is ridiculous...service here is terrible.

ME: my name is ABBY JAMES, and i'm an operational supervisor for lifeguards. i'm sure they'd be glad to hear your side of the story, as well as mine. make sure you tell them about the part when you kicked me.

and i sent the jerk down the slide, without his son, with his son laughing at him. hehehe...he said he dad was a butthead!! that makes me happy...but that man was an ass...he pissed me off!!!


like the story? i know, i'm a good story teller!! hehehe. so yeah, i got off work early, i'm going to take a shower, curl my hair, put it up really cute, get dinner for david and shelley, and go up to the park for aqua olympics!! woohoo!!! hehehe..i'm silly, i know.

update on a certain unnamed guy: he left today, i think. i didn't really talk to him last night...just to say hi. but i'm pretty sure he left today. that means that last wednesday was the last time i'll see him before i go to school. that really does make me sad...but i'm not going to think about it or talk about it...especially since there's really nothing i can do about it. enough about him.

"gettin cinematic with it, niggas if ya got it, hit it. fuck the dumbness, hit it til it's numbness."

another person i'm really going to miss, besides the obvious natalie and kristine and unnamed guy...john. during the past couple weeks we've had a lot of fun...i like talking to him, even though he really won't open up to me. i don't mind...i just like to have someone new to talk to. but i do like him...we're having fun. kristine's right...he's NOT my type...i knwo it's hard for anyone to really have a "type", but if you know me personally, you'll know what she means. he's really nice, kinda quiet...a really good guy. he's doens't seem like a hardcore party girl like i am...he's nice. just nice. it's weird that we get along so well. he reads my diary, so he knows a LOT about me...esp. the "bad" stuff. and as far as i know, he hasn't judges me b/c of it. he just seems like the quiet, virginal type...ya know? now that i really think about it, i don't really know too much about him. i have no idea how he feels about love, God, sex, friends, family, a lot of stuff. oh well...i guess that will come with time.

i know i haven't really talked too much about copeland in here...but i've been thinking about him a LOT. i really have. i just haven't talked to him in awhile...and it's hard for me to know that he has a new girlfriend that he's really happy with...b/c i still think that somehow, someday we'll end up together. i don't know...it's just the way we are together...he's someone that i could fall in love with and easily marry, and see myself still madly in love with him when i'm 67. i don't know...it's weird.

speaking of fate...my joey called me yesterday morning. i was at work...but he left a message!!! i miss that boy. i really do.

okay...so this is a REALLY super-duper long entry...it really is. oh well...i was seriously due for one, huh? time to jet...layta...



"And you learn you accept it, you know, you're so pathetic."

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo