1-14-01~~2 am
"another semester, another goal..."

so school starts tomorrow...ugh. you know, in august i was so ready to get back in class and get my life going again. but now, damnit, i'm just not ready. but then again, i *am* motivated to take care of this semester. i want to do good...i really do. doesn't every semester start this way? even if, i'm only taking 12 hours so i can focus on school and work more...i want to avoid living with my parents at all cause. anyone who has been out of their parents house for a siginificant amount of time will understand. moving home sucks. not only that, but my parents live in south dallas and i go to school in denton, north of dallas. yeah, so i will *not* be driving over an hour to get to school. hopefully i can get a place with this chick i had a couple classes with this past semester...piper. piper rocks...yeah. but if i can get a place with her, i won't have to live alone. otherwise it's either me getting a place on my own and paying a good chunk of the money each month...with help from mommy and daddy ;) i really want to get the hell out of denton though...that place is a shithole. well, as noted, i must force myself to awaken with the sun, rather than sleep until after lunch. ugh. it's 2:30. must. sleep. now. adieu, dear diary.

younger / older

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