the 29th of october~~4 pm time
"trina and heroes"

i looooove trina. she's sooooo cool and she rubs on me while i try to write in here. she's awesome, and if she had a penis, i would touch it all the time. every day. every moment.


so as you can see...none of that was written by yours truly...that would be compliments of great ra. woohoo, go trina!!

so yeah...back to abby, since this is MY diary and all...(she's in denial, don't believe a word she says.)

okay yeah...back to me, since i RULE!!! i'm listening to train...have you all met virginia? she's rules...and my canidice doesn't have pretty pretty hair anymore. she thought that it would be a good idea to put it in dreads...ewwww. so yeah...her hair is all ratty and she'll have to shave it all off when she's ready to get rid of the gross things. but i have to hand it to her...she's got balls. i would never do something like that. just holes all over my body...nothing that drastic!! plus, i could never pull it off...i wash my hair too much. she'll be cute with them.

so here i sit, trying to study bio...and my mind does nothing but wander...everywhere. can we say, insomniac feelings all over again? damn...this sucks completely. my heart is torn, my mind is corrupt and i have no idea what to do...but i do know that i love my parents, i love my friends...and that's all i need to get by. that's it.



today's quote is a poem i once received from my soulmate:

When your hero falls from grace

All fairy tales are uncovered

Myths exposed and pain magnified

The greatest pain discovered

You taught me to be strong

But I'm confused to see you so weak

You said to never give up

And it hurts to see you welcome defeat

When your hero falls so do the stars

And so does the perception of tomorrow

Without my hero there is only

Me alone to deal with my sorrow

Your heart ceases to work

And your soul is not happy at all

What are you expected to do

When your only hero falls

damn...makes me cry...that's all i need.

someday i'm going to start crying and never stop and not feel bad about it because they're going to be happy tears of rejoicing and relief because the old abby that everyone says is hiding inside this scared, broken soul will have grown up and broken free of her chains of tormented depression.

younger / older

now - preceding - random - opinions - email - quick talk - knowledge - dland, yo