november 15, 2000~~8 pm
"what the fuck?!?!?"

so why the fuck does jen think that she has to be a bitch 24-7...i mean really. is it necessary?!? yeah...i completely had to vent to brendan and erin last night...and she's just worse today. i'm really glad that i'll be home next week. i can't wait to see natalie, kris, jill, aaron,'s exciting stuff!!

bio sucks...i have a huge fucking test monday...i have a huge fucking paper due monday for world cultures...and i have a birthday this weekend. what the hell?!? i mean really...this sucks. really. it does.

i wish i could make up my mind about what i want...i have no idea. no, that's not right...i know exactly who i want...but i can't have him...because he's in arlington and i'm not. that's fine for now...but i'll be home tuesday...then dec. 13th...then may 3rd. and who knows what will happen, right?!? yep...exactly. i just only hope that he understands how much i care...only i'm scared he does and he feels the same. i don't know what i would do. i really don't. it's what i've wanted since june...i don't know what the hell i would do. grrr...

i talked to haley yesterday...i can't wait to see her and adam...i really can't. 7 days until i go home!!! yay!!! hehehe...not that i'm excited or anything. you know what i really need? i need a natalie here...someone who will give me the attention that she does, someone who knows me like she does, someone who knows that i'm upset like she does, or that i'm lying like she does...i need natalie. i don't have anyone here that i can really talk to...and it's driving me crazy. natalie...i miss you and i love you and i need you...i need your smiles and your dancing...i'm so ghetto here and it's not right, because i'm not black!!! heehee...i love you natalie!!! you're the bestest friend a girl could EVER want!!! mwwwaaaahhhh. hehehe.

i'm out...have to study bio..yucky.


no computer is fucking up

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